You can download a PDF version of my CV here.
Programming and markup languages
- Coding: Python, C/C++, Julia, Rust
- Data: Mathematica, MATLAB
- Misc.: LaTeX, bash, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Astrophysics software
- PLUTO: 3D MHD code for astrophysical simulations (Mignone et al. 2007)
- IDEFIX: 3D MHD code for astrophysical simulations (Lesur et al. 2023)
- FARGO3D: 3D MHD code for astrophysical simulations (Benítez-Llambay et al. 2016)
- RADMC-3D: 3D radiative transfer code for protoplanetary disks (Dullemond et al. 2012)
- CASA: data reduction and analysis software for radioastronomy (CASA Team et al. 2022)
- REBOUND: N-body integrator for planetary systems (Rein & Liu 2012)
Code development
- 3D Flux-limited diffusion (FLD) and ray-traced irradiation modules for PLUTO & IDEFIX (FLD documented in Ziampras et al. 2024a)
- 2D Flux-limited diffusion (FLD) module for the vertically-integrated Navier–Stokes equations for PLUTO (documented in Ziampras et al. 2020)
- N-body integrator in PLUTO (documented in Thun & Kley 2018)
- Dust modeled as a pressureless fluid using an implicit solver (documented in Ziampras et al. 2024b)
- lemonpy: a set of python libraries for IO, reduction, and visualization of PLUTO models and various astrophysical problems (to be released soon)
Postdoctoral Researcher
Oct 2024 – Present
Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany
- Numerical modeling of protoplanetary disk outbursts with radiation hydrodynamics, planet formation and planet–disk interaction
Postdoctoral Researcher
Nov 2021 – Sep 2024
Queen Mary University of London, UK
- Numerical modeling of planet–disk interaction and planet migration with radiation hydrodynamics, observational signatures of planet formation
- Student supervision on Master's theses and research projects
PhD Candidate in Physics
Apr 2019 – Oct 2021
Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen, Germany
- Numerical modeling of planet–disk interaction and turbulence due to the vertical shear instability (VSI)
- Development of a radiation hydrodynamics module (3D flux-limited diffusion) for the astrophysical code PLUTO
- Supervision of projects and Bachelor's theses
- Teaching assistant for the MSc courses Computational Astrophysics and Theoretical Astrophysics
Research Assistant (HiWi)
Oct 2017 – Mar 2019
Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen, Germany
- Development of a radiation hydrodynamics module (2D flux-limited diffusion) for the astrophysical code PLUTO
- Contribution to the outreach program of the Master's in Astro- and Particle Physics program in the University of Tübingen
PhD in Astrophysics
Apr 2019 – Oct 2021
Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen, Germany
Thesis: Planets in turbulent disks
Supervisors: Prof. Wilhelm Kley, Prof. Richard Nelson
Grade: excellent (summa cum laude)
MSc in Astro- and Particle Physics
Sep 2017 – Mar 2019
Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen, Germany
Thesis: Planet-induced spiral heating in radiative disks
Supervisors: Prof. Wilhelm Kley, Dr. Sareh Ataiee
Grade: 10.0 (1.0 on German scale, excellent)
BSc in Physics
Sep 2013 – Jul 2017
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Thesis: Numerical N-Body simulations of planetary systems
Supervisors: Prof. Manolis Plionis, Prof. Kleomenis Tsiganis
Grade: 9.23 (excellent, honors)